
How To Invoice Using CommissionTrac

Updated over a week ago

After creating a voucher, you will be ready to invoice directly out of CommissionTrac.

Click on the Invoice tab on the left-hand navigation menu.

The invoice grid will display unbilled invoices by default, and will sort by oldest to newest based on the invoice date which was set in the voucher.

  1. To view unbilled invoices, select the Unbilled tab on the top of the invoice grid

  2. To view overdue invoices, select the Overdue tab on the top of the invoice grid

  3. To view paid invoices, select the Paid tab on the top of the invoice grid

  4. To view all invoices, select the All tab on the top of the invoice grid. This view will display every invoice in the system regardless of the status.

  5. To view invoices for a specific voucher, use the Vouchers dropdown menu to select or search for a voucher and view the associated invoice(s).

  6. To view invoices for a specific Bill To, use the Bill To dropdown menu to select or search for a Bill To affiliate and view the associated invoice(s).

  7. To view invoices within a specific period of time, use the From and To date selectors. Note: One date, or both dates can be filled out.

  8. To search for an invoice based on the invoice number, select the Invoice # field and begin typing. The invoice grid will begin searching in real time based on your input.

  9. To batch multiple invoices together begin by using the check box next to any invoice you want to batch.

  10. Once the check box is marked for the invoices you want to batch, hover over Batch Invoices in the upper right-hand corner. From there you will have the option to Preview, Mark as Sent(in the case where you have already invoiced outside of CommissionTrac and want to change the status from "Unbilled" to "Sent"), Convert to Standard(a simple invoice that excludes the rent roll/sale information), Convert to Expanded(a more detailed invoice that includes rent roll/sale information), and Sync to QuickBooks(if the QuickBooks Invoice workflow is enabled).

  11. To open and view an invoice, select View on the right-hand side of the invoice grid.

  12. To open/edit a voucher associated with any invoice, click on the name of the voucher. This hotlink will automatically open the voucher or voucher comp, depending on your permission set.

  13. To change pages in the invoice grid, use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the page to scroll through pages and change the items per page displayed.

Note: To clear any of the above invoice filters, select Clear at the top of the invoice grid. This option will only appear if you currently have a filter selected.

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