Getting Started: Back Office
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to CommercialEdge Commissions.

With just one platform, you can easily navigate your deal data, commissions, invoice status, and other critical reports. No more spreadsheets or manual tracking systems.

Note: You will need to be assigned the Back Office role to access this functionality

Getting Started with the Back Office Portal

This role is for accountants or admins who manage the system. As the admin, you can view all information for any agent, post accounting entries, and manage all company settings.

In this overview, we will cover everything you need to know about Commissions and how you can use it to streamline your tasks and manage your commissions more efficiently.

1. Vouchers

Organize all transactions into digital vouchers with deal data, commission splits, invoice dates, and other key metrics using one dynamic real estate commission tracking software.

Vouchers are the backbone of Commissions, where all deal data is stored and from which all Commissions Receivables and related Agent Distirubtions are managed.

2. Approvals

This system is designed to ensure that every voucher goes through a thorough review and check process before it is submitted as active. This helps to prevent any errors or discrepancies from occurring and ensures accurate deal data.

To get started, all you need to do is configure your approval workflows with just a few clicks. Our system is user-friendly and easy to manage, making it convenient for you to monitor the progress of your vouchers. You can also customize the approval process according to your specific needs and preferences.

3. Receivables

Easily manage all commission-related receivables with our custom-branded invoices and deposit distribution calculator.

  • Receivables Ledger: Each Voucher has its own unique receivables ledger that contains all charges, deposits, and adjustments related to the voucher.

  • Invoices: Effortlessly create and send custom branded invoices and download PDFs

  • Deposits: Use our deposit distribution engine to automatically calculate even the most complex splits, tiered plans, manager overrides, and more.

4. Payables

Easily manage all agent payables with pay ledgers and agent payments.

  • Payables Ledger: Unique payables ledger for all inside and outside agents

  • Agent Payments: Track commission payments and expenses against every agent

5. Reports

Access a full suite of accounting reports, from deposits to payment history and aged receivables. Easily download any report to a preformatted PDF or Excel file.

6. Account Settings

As the admin, back office users can manage company settings, accounting information, split plans, user access, and much more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I forget my login information?

A: If you forget your login information, click on the "Forgot Password" link on the login page. You will be prompted to enter your email address associated with your account, and instructions on how to reset your password will be sent to you.

Q: Is there a mobile app for CommercialEdge Commissions?

A: At this time, CE Commissions is only accessible through a web browser, but our team is constantly looking for ways to improve and enhance our tools and features.

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